Monday, May 17, 2010

Kennedy Bridge is closed from Sunday

Bonn -
Bonner, take note: Between 27 December (5 clock) and the second January (to 4.15 clock) is the Kennedy Bridge in the course of the rehabilitation work for cars, buses and trains blocked.
The utility company do all the damage for the passengers of the tram lines 62 and 66, and many bus routes crossing the bridge, to be kept as low as possible.
Spokesman Werner shui: "On the busy north bridge, we were not able to meet the timetable. Therefore, we direct the traffic through the south bridge, for there is a risk of less congestion. "
Downside is that passengers have to transfer in Ramersdorf, thereby changing the track. "This is particularly a problem for wheelchair users, of course," says Shui.
Resolution: The Association for the Disabled offers a car service over the bridge. "All day volunteers are on site," says Shui. gives information to offer it in 02 28 / 40 36 70th