Thursday, March 18, 2010

Precious missal found

Bonn / Cologne - This is the stuff of medieval novels: an archbishop of Cologne as a robber, canons and a smart wine barrel with smuggled goods.
In Bonn, there was now for a short time to admire a sensational discovery: the oldest of the Bonn Minster Missal from 12-13. Century. Discovered by scientists Andreas Odenthal. Not in Bonn, but in the Cologne diocese archives.
But as the book was valuable in the cathedral city? In a very tortuous paths: We write the year 1582. The Archbishop of Cologne to become Protestant. That would mean the church from his career - and destitution.
Swiftly he wants to cling to the cash register in his archbishopric in Bonn. But the smart money and canons to hide assets, in a wine barrel, which can bring them to Cologne.
And the night-and-dagger operation is also the "Liber professor" in Cologne, which deals, inter alia, of the city around the festival patrons Cassius and Florentius or a special memorial service for Gerhard von Are the builders of the cathedral.
Andreas Odenthal, professor of liturgy Sciences, discovered the missal in a so-called antiphonary, a liturgical Missal. And now presented with the University of Bonn and Munster Foundation Studies for his book about Cassius pen.
In the Middle Ages-missal was exceptional once again for a few hours back to its origin - to the Bonner Münster.