Thursday, April 29, 2010

Reich-Ranicki meets his youth

Cologne - Fresh cured trotting literary critic Marcel Reich-Ranicki (88) on the red carpet for the premiere in Cologne, the film version of his autobiography: "Marcel Reich-Ranicki - My Life" (April 15, 20.15 clock, ARD).
And what is his best of the film? "The title," replies the "Television-makers" - or "non-entity. Meanwhile, he's gone under the TV critic. Is it now good television? "Of course, of course, otherwise I would not have come," said the good-humored Reich-Ranicki, who came loose in a brown leather jacket over the suit.
Even his casual "youth film" Matthias Schweighöfer (released 28): Red sweatshirt, white sneakers and again erblondet. In the TV bands of Reich-Ranicki actor's hair was black. Also at the premiere here: Katharina Schüttler (29 plays Tosia Reich-Ranicki), Dror Zahavi (50, director), Heinrich Breloer (67, "Buddenbrooks" director) and Sabine Postel (54, Tatort Commissioner).

Friday, April 23, 2010

Nova makes sinners - but unfortunately not a victory

Munich - They bit their teeth. Seethed inwardly, but this time not let their frustrations out verbally. In Cologne's leaders would have had after the 1-1 at 1860 Munich Leaders every reason to argue with referee Manuel Grafe.
Roland Koch, FC head coach for two games, to say nothing of crucial situation. Michael Meier not leave: "We now another. We have obtained enough scolding. "
The coach Christoph Daum said not at all locked) (see article on the left side.
Until the 77th FC minute was the better team. One, which appeared homogeneous. One that was more playful than the opponent. Which is also and above all by the engagement of Youssef Mohamad in defense was finally safe.
The fat jokes missed scoring chances by Broich and left before the break. And consequently had gone 1-0 up.
But then the hammer: Assistant René Hammer raised in the 77th Foul by Timo Gebhardt minute after Patrick Helmes in the flag. All expected a whistle Grafe, but could continue to the astonishment of all.
The Cologne stopped. Youssef Mohamad tackelte in the penalty against those very Gebhardt. To the chagrin of Cologne Grafe decided on penalties - a highly dubious. Berhalter met for 1-1 late on.
"I do not understand. Everyone sees that I am drawn quite clearly on his pants - only the referee did not. The wizard has already shown it foul. This was day two and lost two points stolen ", was top scorer helmet pissed.
Previously Milivoje Novakovic FC had deservedly taken the lead. According to a corner of the strong ex-Lion Nemanja Vucicevic and much bustle was "Novagol" on the spot and hammered the ball volley into the net.
Ironically, "Party-Nova", composed of "disciplinary reasons" (O-Ton thumb) only once on the bench had to take a seat. The then hit - it was his seventh goal in the last seven games.
But not jubilant. On the contrary, Nova turned out grimly, almost aggressively looking for manager's job. No sign of joy, only for inner satisfaction.
Satisfaction that there was at the end of Cologne's vision no longer. "1860 must be happy with a draw," Meier said after the seventh point this season, "we now have courageously played." But in the end he was two points. Three would have been earned.
Also of interest
Thus, the FC played in Munich - the pictures
The New Sufferings of Christopher D.
"I played the ball"

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Wild rumors Labbadia

Leverkusen - Something is running incredibly wrong with Bayer. In the second half 14 points from 15 games - a sporting bankruptcy. This form up the critics. And they are even louder when Bayer should vergeigen the game against Gladbach. They have also found the culprit: It's Bruno Labbadia.
Despite the recent vows made from the club floor (Bayer boss wooden houses: "We plan with Labbadia for the coming season") is cooking the rumor mill. The latest version: No matter how the cup final on 30 May in Berlin and Werder Bremen may also arise - for Labbadia is after this season concludes. He must vacate his seat coach after only one year. The decision had already been taken. Had communicated this to the team as well.
Confirm this idea, of course, no one in Leverkusen. Only this much: The patience of wooden houses and sporting director Rudi Voeller has limits. On Friday, wooden houses (said "The second half was never successful. Even the cup final is not an excuse") against the Express, it will after the season, a meeting with Labbadia, nations, and to give him. The outcome of the crisis talk is open. "We will carefully analyze what it has location. Then we shall see how it goes. "
The pressure on the Bayer coach gets bigger.
Völler work is provided internally of the question. His contract was just renewed. Even manager Michael Reschke will sign in the next few days, his new contract, as the wooden houses EXPRESS confirmed. "It lacks only his signature." How and whether it continues with Labbadia at all, however, is completely open.
More from the chaos-club: Barnetta just want to get away to Bayer> Bayer Stars Rolfes and Helmes schalgen Alarm> Jupp guys Leverkusen fire>

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Shots were fired from a moving car

Cologne - Tuesday morning in knick-knacks: A man takes his dog for a walk, is closely guarded by two policemen. Again and again they look around.
Because the officers are charged with the lives of Fatih U. (protecting 33). Reason: fear of another assassination attempt.
After seven shots on his Ford Ranger on Niehler egg into the night Sunday, the homicide identified who could have perpetrated the attack on Fatih U..
"I will now guarded day and night, is constantly at my door, a squad car," said Fatih U. on Tuesday the EXPRESS. "I did not like it, but it probably needs to be so."
True enough. For, according to a hazard analysis that Fatih U. could be further threatened. The officials did not assume a random shooter, but targeted by an assassination attempt.
Meanwhile, investigators have examined the vehicle - and were shot using the channels to the conclusion that the perpetrator was at the Mittelleitplanke as assumed initially.
Presumably, a car drove alongside H. Fatih at night on the industrial street, were then released from the shots at the big car. This means that there probably were two perpetrators.
One of them drove the car, fired the other from the passenger side of the victim. Fatih himself had indicated that they had not seen where the shots came: "It all happened so fast!"
A friend of Fatih believes: "He knows who is behind it. But he's afraid of the consequences if he unpacks with the investigators. "
Read has auchFatih fear of his life> Rifle fired seven bullets at moving automobile>

Monday, April 5, 2010

BrowsePort-<br/> command missing due to rodents

Cologne - As his three beloved guinea pig Puschel, Emma and Tommi had been stolen, a 42-year-old set the wheels in motion. With success: He even obtained a search warrant - and where the little rodents then actually showed up again.
Along with its wooden cage were the pigs in the night of 3 May by the estate of the 42-year-olds in high mountain stolen. The Cologne pointed to the theft in the neighborhood, and distributed posters with the pictures of Puschel and Co.
Children rarely reported later that they had seen the animals in an apartment nearby. Then a district court judge issued a search warrant.
The suspect is a 12-year-old boy who initially came out of the empty cage. The mother of a friend later brought the guinea pigs back to their owners. The children said they had found the cage on the street.